Welcome to


A Full-Service Influencer marketing and Talent Management Company

Successful Campaigns



Influencers Engaged


Records at Top 10 Nigeria Top 100 on Apple Music
Million+ campaign impressions


Successful Campaigns

Our Professional Services.

Creative Strategy

We design creative strategies to execute with the influencers.

Talent Management

We manage influencers from all categories and scout creators to join our purp community

Content creation

We execute content creation for brands.

Campaign management

We see the end to end of every campaign, from liaising with influencers to ensuring all strategies are executed.

Influencer Marketing

Purpfluence handle end to end influencer marketing for brands

Professional Services

We at Purpfluence have identified that a lot of people struggle with the world of influencer marketing

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For Influencers

For Brands

Purpfluence was founded to give influencers an opportunity to earn from the creative content they put out on a daily basis and for brands to connect with their audiences by reaching the right influencers.

( C ) Purpfluence 2022, All rights reserved